Saturday, April 9, 2011

Being your ideal self

I remember when i first started to think about my ideal self, it was kind of funny because in my mind i had a self-image of my self that was very weak and limiting and i think its like that for a lot of guys out there and i started to think, wait a minute how the hell did i get this weak i didn't choose to be a loser, and then i realized that it was a common problem for guys to have a weak self-image in today's society especially in the west and it all comes down to what society tells us, don't do this don't do that and this is good to keep us from trouble but when we grow up we end up having a weak self image, what you do to improve yours self-image is to ark yourself this questions and think about it like its going to change your life because it will if you want it to.

  • How does he think, positive or negative ? 
  • How does he act around women
  • Does he have any passions in life
  • Does he take care of his body
  • Does he let fear stop him from achieving his dreams ?

I want you to stop and think about your life for a moment and i want you to be really honest with yourself, do you have any characteristics of your ideal self, if you don't then ask yourself how you can get there. The truth is that this ideal self in you mind is real and it is the real YOU but all the fears and limiting beliefs you've got throughout your life from society block that real you and whats left is a afraid loser but in reality that's not really you its just something society have created and the good thing is that now when you know it you can break out of this bullshit and become the man you really are. 

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