One of the most important things to do in your dating life to become more successful is to be aware of the mistakes you make in order to fix them and you have to be really honest with yourself.
There is so many thing that most people do wrong in dating these days but if you just take time and think about what you are doing and why it don't work you are one step closer to the dating life of your dreams.
I remember that one of the first things that made me a lot more successful in dating was realizing what i was doing wrong and then taking action to fix that. Most guys that are out there in the clubs to thing that can be fixed really easy only if they knew about it so in this article i am going to list out the 5 things most guy do but shouldn't be doing.
Going out without any preparation for sex.
I remember when i went out to clubs and bars before learning anything about dating and i didn't prepare myself for sex, for example trimming my body hair.
This is really important to do because if you don't and end up going home with a girl you like the main hindrance for sex is you knowing that you didn't groom your body so if you want to be successful with dating start with the most simple thing, groom you body before you go out.
Going out with lame and boring clothes.
This is a very important to fix because if you look around in a club the most unsuccessful guys tend to have to the same clothes and girls know this, even if you are the most attractive man but your fashion sucks and you look like a loser, she will think you are just like all the other boring losers that had the same fashion as you and this will make it very hard for you in the beginning even if you are the most confident and cool guy in the club. You can fix this problem easy by just thinking about how a confident guy dresses, make up you own cool style and you can use the stereotypes to your advantage by just looking like a guy who gets laid for example a nightclub host, but also remember to give it your own style.
Not talking loud enough.
This is something many guys have problem with, the thing is that when you are in a nightclub with loud music and you openings are very weak with low voice tonality it doesn't matter if you have the best line in the world the girl is seeing you as a weak man so she is going to reject you very fast.
what you wanna do is to always have a high alpha voice tonality when you are out in clubs and bars in the opening, always do it in a fun and positive way or you will come across as a arrogant asshole.
So guys, just start speaking in a more dominant tone in the open and you will not be rejected as much, probably never on the first 10 sec anyway.
Not being the leader.
This is very important to start thinking about because most of the guys out there don't lead, they let the woman lead and in dating and relationships most women don't want to lead all the time, they what you to lead but if you don't they will lead and that's really bad for you beacuse her attraction for you will drop really fast if you don't lead.
The reason why you need to be leading is beacuse often times the girl wont lead to sex, mostly beacuse the social programming they grew up with that told her not to be a slut so i her mind its really bad and shes being a slut if she leads towards sex which is not true, but sometimes there will be girls that don't care about this and do all the work for you but don't wait for that because its very rare, start leading instead and you will see results very fast.
Don't physically escalating enough.
This is by far the number one think you should fix if you want the dating life of your dreams.
Most guys tent to be very afraid of touching the girl in the beginning and then after maybe ten minutes or even sometimes before the kiss they start touching the girl and this is very uncomfortable for the girl and its not even fun for you so what you wanna to for the rest of you life is to start being a touchy guy in the club and remember don't do it in a creepy way, start in a light way with a handshake and maybe silly games like thumb wrestling. When you do this from the start and make it more sexual and playful as time passes she will later feel much more comfortable when you go for the kiss or anything sexual.
Haha don't be as aggressive in the beginning as rampage, just have fun with it and do that later..without any clothes ;)
please comment if you have anything to add on this topic.
Like the article, pretty interesting :)